Monday, February 9, 2009

Renee's Number 4 Hotties

Wow, that lady's such a stud!
Interesting story: I was watching the Princess Diaries the other day and I just sort of thought to myself, "Wow. This is lame." That's basically the end of the story. The hidden meaning in that anecdote is that those brothers are uuugly.

Speaking of ugly, you know who isn't ugly? Judd Nelson! (Well, young Judd Nelson, he's sure ugly now.) Apparently he's an assface but, well, I'll just have to look past that to what really counts, which is how sexy he is.
Ryan Reynolds is an enormous hottie, and we have the same initials and place of origin.

Renee's Number 4: Judd Nelson (Breakfast Club only) and Ryan Reynolds

Renee Out.

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