Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sexiness in its prime!

Oh yes, Adam is my very favourite on American idol this year. I picked him out in auditions, just like I did with David Cook last year. If he wins I'l be forced to conclude that I have some sort of godly power when it comes to American Idol.
He's not very famous yet so I couldn't find a very good picture. In my American Idol group we affectionately refer to him as Dj (David Junior). Let's see if he earns name status.
American idol was frustrating tonight. It was group performances - woo hoo, not - and they spent the whole time focusing on the groups that sucked and fought. There was like ten minutes of actual performance footage in total. I don't know why they think we want to see the bad ones. I like to watch the good ones, cough*Adam*cough. Also Danny, my second favourite.
I just don't like watching all the people running around crying about how much they hate their groups (and it's always the girls, if you notice, with the exception of one very flamboyant gay guy.) It never seems to be a good idea to enter a group with all girls. TWSS.
So yes, that's my recap. I was going to do a Lost recap, even though no one cares, but it was capital T lame tonight so I won't even bother. Maybe next week.
Renee Out.

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