Monday, February 9, 2009

Gab's Number 6 Hottie

I agree, Renee, I don't go for the Orangutan-looking men (like you, as you pointed out in your last post). Instead, I go for the attractive ones. 

Anyways, this is not my favourite actor (although I do quite like him), but I do LOVE Donnie Darko and Brokeback Mountain. And I will be renting the straight-to-DVD-S. Darko. And probably not enjoying it because it has no hotties in it (no one can ever convince me that Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl is hot) and has an awful story line. Also, he's totally hilarious every time he goes on the Ellen Show.

Gab's Number 6 Hottie: Jake Gyllenhaal

PS: The "Eybrows" are ugly.

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