Friday, February 27, 2009

One last post

I get philosophical at night and I need to share some of my wisdom.

Why don't we use silent k's all the time? hmm? Why don't see say like "I kneed some knew skneakers?" It's very effective and it gives us a bit of a Swedish feel. Are Swedes the ones who use all the k's? Maybe I'm thinking of Greenland. What are people from Greenland called? Just people from Greenland i guess. That's sad; they must feel pretty unimportant. is Bob newhart dead? i'm pretty sure he is. I always mix him up with Bob Hope. He most definitely is dead. Maybe it's something about the name. Now I'm thinking about whther or not I know someone alive named Bob. When we were in Jr. school marilyn had a skeleton called Bob and one time her got stuck in the gutter above the school (I don't remember how) and Wade came and rescued him. it's funny, because a real skeleton wouldn't have been rescued probably, because it's already dead. Maybe someone would try to ressuscitate the skeleton. that would be kind of funny, unless it was their mom or something. Then it would be just sad like Forrest Gump, boy that movie's sad. It's like sadcore. it's a new word I made up. There's this new thing on facebook that keeps telling me my profile has violated. What does that mean? Well, I violated facebook's mom last night, what up. Who's facebook's mom? Microsoft? Remember that movie when Michael Douglas was basically raped by Demi Moore? her daughter bothers me. it's like "Dude, you aren't famous, you just have famous people." I hate famous people who mack off their famous sibling's fame. Like haylie duff. It's one of my pet peeves. I'm pretty sure Britney Spears has a brother that thinks he's famous. here's a word for him "Douche, you aren't/ Roll over Beethoven, that's a good song. This one time on Gilmore Girls he like. But yeah. ELo, nice one Gav. Oh wow I'm tireed. I need to solve some more of the world's problems before I turn in for the night. You know what the United States stimulus plan kneeds? Less terrorism. Terrorism is just bad, that's what I keep telling people. maybe I'll go find some terrorists and tell them that but I have to be careful that I don't tell it to someone that isn't really a terrorist because that would be embarassing. I'll find a white terrorist. I hate puzzles. And Canadian idol. Sometimes I . This one time I thought I swallowed my tooth but then i found it in my bed a week later. imagine that! My cat is bothering me. What do cats originate from? Sharks, probably. I enjoy dinosaurs. I was tracing a velociraptor in the library the other day but then Anita took the book away because we were supposed to be working so obviously i couldnt finish the picture because obviously I am not good enough to draw a velociraptor by hand GEEZ ANITA.

I think we covered a lot of ground in this post. Good work, brain.

Renee Out.

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