Monday, February 16, 2009

Renee's Half of Musical commentary

Hey gab, remember last weekend when we were like "Wouldn't it be awesome if one of the two lesser known Whedon brothers or Jed's wife discovered our blog?" Well, this is me putting our plan into action.

I'm going to speak my thoughts about the kickass musical commentary on the Dr. Horrible DVD (almost as good as the movie, except not quite really, but still cool.) I thank you for showing it to me.

My favourite parts are basically your favourite parts, but I'll list them first and therefore win!

So of course Neil Patrick Harris's song was my favourite, that's kind of a given. I'm pretty sure we've mentioned we love him oh, I don't know, a thousand time. Just wait until we put our letters plan into action and he too will be an avid reader of our blog! Mwa.

Highlights of that song were when he tried to rap and when he was like "Was it the three of clubs? Ho!"

I also liked Nathan Fillion's song, Better Than Neil. My favourite part was when he mentioned his "Pink Floyd's "Brick in the Wall-ness"'. Classic.

My second favourite song was Zach's rap, especially the part at the beginning when he's on the phone. That just cracks me up for some reason.

My final highlights were Joss Whedon being all deressed (I love people who can laugh at themselves), Felicia Day...well, I don't remember what she did that was funny, just that it was, and the part when one of the Whedon brothers (jed?) was like "Can't we all just hug? I mean...what up, bitches." And I liked it when the wife/fiancee sang because she has a good voice.

Now we have to tag every possible word that could lead a not-as-famous Whedon brother and or Jed's fiancee to our blog.

Renee Out.

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