Thursday, February 12, 2009

Josiah Leming

This is my favourite male singer in the world (my favourite female singer being, of course, Regina Spektor.) He auditioned for American Idol last year and they retardedly cut him before the top 24. His biblical name triggered this flash to the past post (because Octomommy named all her kids after apostles or something, did she not? Continuity error!)

Sorry I'm STILL not smart enough to know how to embed videos. Hang on. I'll ask Gab how to do it on facebook chat (yeeeah, facebook!) AH GOOD, you're explaining it!

Oh my God I'm like sooooo smart! Haha, thanks Gab. So the song above (above, see? because I EMBEDDED like the technological whiz I am) is my favourite song. My other favourites are called "This Cigar", "Dream Reality" and "Her." I seriously suggest you look them up because they're so KICKASS and Josiah Leming is so AWESOME. Yeah....

Renee Out.

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