Saturday, February 7, 2009

Renee's TV Roundup: Feb 7, '09

I'm not going to review How I Met Your Mother because Gab already nailed that one.

The Office

Super Bowl Sunday blessed us with two episodes this week! They were both HILARIOUS - by far two of the best episodes this season. My favourite part from the superbowl episode was Angela throwing her cat in the ceiling and the following dialogue:

Michael: What kind of ice cream do you want?
Stanley: Chocolate.
Michael: Racism is dead, Stanley!

From the second episode, Lecture Circuit, my favourite part was Dwight decorating the board room for Kelly's party. He bought grey and brown balloons to "match the carpet" and he only blew them up like a quarter of the way. My favourite dialogue was:

Michael: Karen, do you need to go pump?
Karen: No Michael, I won't need to do that until after I have the baby.


Booth was kidnapped and it was sexy. Then he was rescued and it got boring. I totally called that *spoiler alert* that lady was bad right from the beginning because she emerged all sketchily from the shadows. I am awesome. So is Booth.

Grey's Anatomy

I want more George! He's getting totally shafted. I'm not looking forward to the crossover because Private Practice is like a hugely boring show. This week my favourite parts were the Hunt and Cristina parts. I loved the music that would play every time they saw one another. They're the most intriguing part of the show right now. Also, I totally called that Arizona was gay. GOD I'm good at calling things, aren't I?


I love Sawyer! He is so fine. I'm starting to notice that all of my favourite shows...contain some really fine looking guy. Whatever, I'm still a very deep person. Lost was okay I guess. I liked Sawyer seeing Kate in the jungle and I liked the parts with the people left on the island. That's how the whole season has been going for me; i love the on island stuff and I find the oceanic 6 parts really boring.

American Idol

I'm pretty sure I've made my thoughts pretty clear thusfar.

Wow, this is the longest, most extensive post ever. I'm pretty sure I'm about a thousand points ahead of Gab now.

Renee Out

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