Friday, February 27, 2009

This is how Renee spends her Friday nights

Being awesome! I'm going to have dominated the blog by the end of the night (unless I get sleepy)

So maybe I don't have much of a social life.

First: I need to talk about my favourite unknown female singer, Hannah Combs. I found her on youtube one time doing a cover of a Josiah Leming song and LET ME TELL YOU is she good. She wrote that song that I always play on the guitar called Love Doesn't Grow In Ohio. I have an mp3 of me doing it that I made when I was bored, can you put mp3's on here?

So here she is:

There are good copies of this song, I just like this video.

Secondly (did I have a firstly? What happens one you get to twenty?) Since Gab is obviously NEVER going to update er bands list, I'm going to make a top ten list of my own, all in one post. It will be my favourite musicals because I'm going through a musical phase right now 9well, it's kind of been going on for the last four years, but whatever)

1. Wicked
2. Rent
3. Les Miserables
4. Assassins (Go Neil)
5. Guys and Dolls
6. Fiddler on the Roof
7. The Sound of Music
8. Annie Get Your Gun
9. Godspell
10. Spamalot

You may ask yourself, how many of these has Renee actually seen on Broadway? The answer is none. But I've seen other versions and memorized the soundtracks and youtubed it so IT BASICALLY COUNTS, God just leave me alone.

Honourable mentions go to Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog and the Scrubs musical. I didn't put them because I was going for "broadway" because I am sophisticated, but they would both have made my top ten.

This post is extraordinarily extensive. I am enjoying it greatly but alas I am running out of topics because I am quite tired and I get tired on Fridays OKAY? I'm a little defensive, I wonder if I'm high. That's what I said today after the Gatorade incident, I know I wasn't high because I want to preserve my brain cells but I was still pretty trippy on sugar. Hmm. This post is taking an interesting turn. Let's try and get it back on track.

Another list! I'll list the next ten songs that come on shuffle on my ipod (unless there's something embarassing like...that one girl whose name I don't say but that I have too many songs by...okay fine Miley Cyrus)

I am getting my haircut tomorrow before we hang out. I'm thinking short-ish. Like...a little longer than Tegan's, but not a lot. I don't know. I'll post some possible pictures, I guess. Hmm, no, I'll do that in a new post. Because I feel like FULLY dominating the blog.

Renee Out.

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