Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gab's Top 10 HIMYM Moments

Proof of how awesome Neil Patrick Harris is: almost all of my favorite moments are with Barney. 

Honourable mention: When Barney is sick. "OUCHY IN MY MOUTH!"

10. Lily's dancing. Especially when she needs to be inconspicuous like in "The Bracket."

9. Barney being stuck on the subway. "My legs don't work. I have ridden the subway twice from end to end. I've been where it turns around. Ted, you don't ever want to see where it turns around."

8. Ted and Barney's naked man poses. Including: Superman, Captain Morgan, Oops! I Didn't See You There, The Thinker, The Heisman, The Burt Reynolds, Coppertone Baby and Olympic Gynmast Who Stuck The Landing and my favorite, Mr. Clean.

7. Barney's confession of his love for Robin to Lily. The cutest Barney moment of the series, so far.

6. Lily's loud chewing. Especially when eating cotton candy, thus earning the name "Chewbacca."

5. Barney's gambling in Atlantic City. The most complicated game ever. But Marshall understands it.

4. Barney's play entitled "Suck It Lily." Nothing can describe the beauty of this play, except, maybe, the word 'moist.'

3. Barney on TPIR. "Hi Da—Bob!"

2. Lily moves in with Barney. And the tour of Barney's house: two 300 inch flat screens, Storm Trooper, professionally lit porn shelf, spring-loaded toilet seat. 

1. Barney learning how to drive. I can't even describe the beauty/awesomeness/hilarity. Neil Patrick Harris' acting is a thing of shear beauty.

That was fun to make. My original list had 34 moments on it, and it was very difficult to narrow them down. I just love everything.

Peace, Gab

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