Monday, February 9, 2009

Renee's Number 6 Hottie

I guess we're just gonna bang them all out now... that's what she said. Anyways. I'm disappointed in you, Gab, Leonardo DiCaprio is SUUUCH a shemale. You obviously don't go for the masculine, NON-GORRILLA looking guys like me.

My number six would be way higher on my list if this were simply a personality contest (my number four is a rumoured asshole.) However, I am able to distinguish between looks and personality. I'm not biased like SOME PEOPLE I KNOW (that was aimed at you, Gab. Andy Samberg? Really? REALLY?)

Renee's Number 6 Hottie: John Burke Krasinski

P.S. The Eybrows make the man, Gab.

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