Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Renee's American Idol Recap!

YEAH!! Woooot, aren't you excited Gab? I'm reviewing your favourite show ever!

So thankfully, all of my favourites made it through, and I have quite a few favourites. My very favourite, Adam, did awesomely, per use. There aren't that many men that can sing Cher and still remain masculine. Nor can many men wear nail polish and jewelery and remain masculine, but my boy pulls it off.

My second favourite Danny did impressively well, minus the pit stains. My new third favourite is Kenny, this cute little boy who rocks out to Jason Mraz all the time. Then I like Matt, who looks like Mitchmunk from Canadian Idol. They didn't show the girls I like, Jessie and Jackie. What a sexist show!

Anyhow...it was pretty satisfying, minus the fact that they put that super annoying girl through and minus the fact that Ryan Seacrest is a turd. Tatiana is LIKE SO ANNOYING. I hope she gets eliminated very very very soon or I won't be able to watch anymore. Except I will, because Adam's hotness makes up for it.

This is a random transcript from a show that someone is watching in my house.

"You don't need to come home and take out your bad mood on me!"
"Me? You're the one whose been in such a bad mood since Mia moved to China!"
"It feels like we're fighting a lot lately."
"I know."
"It sucks..."
(They proceed to make out)

New characters
"Are you packing or unpacking?"
"I'm moving into my own room"
"Oh my god you hate me! I'm so sorry!"
"I don't hate you. If anything, I'm sorry you had to live with that secret all these years. it's not your fault."
"I don't get it. If you don't hate me why are you moving out?"
"I just realized that you and Mom and Dad keep so much stuff from me that I get fragile. I want you to lean on me sometimes."
"I do lean on you."
"No, not like I lean on you. I just need to be on my own for awhile. Is that okay?"
"Yes. Which room are you moving into?"
"The blue room. Down the hall."
"Oh. Can I help you decorate?"

(End Scene)

I don't know what the hell that show was, I didn't even look at it once. Just recorded. Sounds like a real winner though. Ohh, now there's something on about a little kid called Tommy with nerdy glasses talking to his mom about sex. Now they're looking for a cheap motel....hmmm.

I think maybe it's time for me to get some hobbies.

Renee Out

P.S. HAHA, Tommy's mom left him alone at the motel and he got abducted. BAHAHA, what a sketchy show...

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