Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gab's Number 5 Band

Before the important stuff, I have a story. 
So I was listening to the university of [my city] radio station and discovered 2 amazing things.
1) My new favourite DJ. She plays amazing music (including Sigur Ros) and some really interesting stuff that I'd never heard before. Plus, unlike most university DJ's, she had a personality/nice voice. 
2) A new band that I really like: Au Revoir Simone. But, this is where the story is. I realize now as I type it that it's not a very great story, but whatever. So, you know how when listening to the radio, you only half listen to what the people are saying? Well, that's what I was doing. Then this song, Don't See the Sorrow, started playing and I was like, "What an amazing song!" However, I couldn't remember the name of the band, only vaguely remembering something like 'Pour The...' (which is totally wrong, as it turns out). But, then, she never said the band again. So, after scouring the website, I found the phone number, called her up, and got the name of the band. She was really nice and it was all good. Sorry for wasting your time with my story.

Anyways, my number 5 band.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs

They are totally amazing, and definitely are on my imaginary 'Get Psyched Mix.' FYI: New CD coming in April! Be excited.

Favourite Songs: Modern Romance, Y Control, Gold Lion, Cheated Hearts

Peace, Gab

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