Thursday, February 26, 2009

Renee's Super truncated American Idol Review: Top 36, Part 2

More of a compendium, if you will. (That's right, I like big words, and I use them right about fifty percent of the time too.)

I had to watch last night's episode on skim, so I missed some stuff (though nothing that looked important). No NPH sightings, which makes me think that his favourite was probably in the first group. Most likely Danny.

So the ones that I liked a lot last night were Adam (OBVIOUSLY), Allison and Megan. I thought Adam's was good, though not his best, and that it will be a crime if he doesn't go through, except he obviously will. megan's dancing was hugely awkward but her singing was good. Allison's talking was hugely awkward but her singing was good.

Everyone else was pretty boring. No one was especially BAD, but no one blew me away. That Jeanine (?) girl was probably the worst, then crazy hair. I was disappointed with haired Matt's performance, because I LOVED him in HW (that's short for Hollywood Week; I know the slang, bitches!) Mishavonna was pretty good but she could never win, so why put her through?

So that's basically it. IMO the ones that proceed should be Adam, Allison and Megan.

Renee Out.

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