Monday, February 2, 2009

HIMYM Review: "Barney Stinson, That Guy's Awesome"

Tonight was the much awaited "Barney Stinson: That Guy's Awesome" episode of How I Met Your Mother. Was it everything I could have hoped for? Almost. But I'll get to that. 

So the premise of the episode is this: Robin, now unemployed, finds out she is being deported back to Canada in 7 days and must find a job in her field in NY in order to stay. Barney, who made his own video resume offers to make her one, thus setting up a "BarBin episode." This is, however, where I was left disappointed and wanting more. There was not really any dialogue about Barney's being in love with Robin, only awesome acting by Neil Patrick Harris (like when Robin considers marrying an American, and that hug!). 

The highlight of the episode was, obviously, Barney's video resume. It features Neil Patrick Harris speaking in a British, Scottish, and something accent, an amazing song by Neil consisting mainly of the word 'awesome,' and some hilariously bad green screen footage. But, my favorite part of the video was not, in fact, the song, but Barney's glasses. If you go to, you can enjoy it once more, with a few more clips, including Neil in the recording studio.

I also loved the funny-and-not-appropriate-things-on-your-resume subplot. You know we all have them. I also love the magic of being able to pause television. It is well worth pausing on Marshall's resume when he is deleting the slam dunk entry. Read about his being an amazing summer camper when he was a kid. 

I also liked the Dr. X subplot with Ted. You can check out the website here. It's not as cool as Barney's, but still pretty awesome. I particularly like the Ivy League audio clip.

The makeup and costume department are having an increasingly more difficult time hiding Alyson Hannigan's giant baby bump. I quite liked their showing it off (albeit, as a full stomach after eating 33 hotdogs in 8 minutes) instead of hiding it. Although, she was wearing some pretty baggy shirts today.

So, all in all, it was a really hilarious episode. I must say, season four is definitely my favorite (or at least tied with season 2). 

I'm off to watch some Doogie Howser and do the possimpible.

Peace, Gab

PS: Barney's Blog hasn't been updated yet. I look forward to whatever the update is this week.

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