Sunday, February 1, 2009

How I Almost Met Seth Meyers

Sorry about the lack of updates yesterday. Both Renee and I were away from our computers. And Renee remains away from her computer until later today.

So, I was sitting watching season three (yes, I watched the entire season) of How I Met Your Mother (best show on TV), when an episode guest starring Saturday Night Live's Will Forte was on. I was instantly reminiscing about the time when I almost met him and -wait for it- Seth Meyers (the Golden God of SNL). Here's the story.

When I was 13, my mom took me to New York City to catch a few shows and do some shopping. At the time, I liked SNL, but was not as obsessed in to it as I am now. I did, however, know all of the actors on it. So anyways, my mom and I went on a tour of NBC studios, which is of course where they film SNL. It was also a Saturday. During the tour, we saw, from a distance, Paris Hilton, who was hosting that week, as well as some of the cast members, who are now only a vague blur in my mind, rehearsing on set. I was pretty excited. 

After the tour, we went outside and sat down on an empty park bench as we consulted our subway map, while deciding where to head next. Then, two men came and sat on the bench next to us. I glanced up, and who should it be but Seth and Will? For the next 3-seconds-that-felt-like-a-lifetime, I debated with myself in a split personality sort of way about whether I should say anything to them. Ask for an autograph or photo, or just say hi? Instead, while they enjoyed their sandwiches, I continued to look at the subway map, and then walked away with my mother 2 minutes later. I could not summon the courage to actually say anything to them while my shoulder was practically brushing up against Seth's. 

If I could be given the opportunity to go back to that fateful day, I would, without a doubt, do it differently. I would ask for a photo, and I would ask for an autograph, and I would tell them I love them (especially Seth Meyers and Weekend Update, which he wasn't doing at the time). At the very least, I would take a stalker photo of them from the distance.

On another Seth Meyers note, I have $200 fake dollars put on Pitt to win the Super Bowl. 

Peace, Gab

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