Sunday, February 1, 2009

SYTYCD Canada Tour Review

As per requested, here is my "Tour Review." I went to see the So You Think You Can Dance Canada Tour with my awesome friend, Andrea, who got me a ticket for Christmas. 

We got to the arena early because we didn't want to miss one minute of the show. However, what we didn't anticipate was the pre-show music which were 5 music videos that played in a constant loop. They were:
  1. Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood
  2. Home - Daughtry
  3. One of the many songs that sound the same - David Cook
  4. Last Name - Carrie Underwood
  5. What About Now - Daughtry
I was BRUTAL. Especially once we made it to the second (wedding-themed) Carrie Underwood song. And then, when they repeated.  Both Andrea and I felt like shooting ourselves in the face. (Note: These songs were also repeating all intermission so we had to leave and buy $5 pop.)

But then, the show started and it was all OK. They did a new group number, and then redid some of the best partner dances from the show. They also included the Mia Michaels top 10 dance, the Paso Doble top 8 dance adapted for 10, the top 4 dance and one more that I can't remember. Also, all of the top 10 did a solo and they had a new dance for the encore. Throughout the show, all of the dancers narrated what was going on and were very lovely (except for Izaak who was just obnoxious and kept sticking out his tongue and winking). I basically LOVE Arassay and Danny. 

The Highlights:

- Vincent's solo. To be honest, I was always a Nico fan while the show was on TV, but the tour made me like Vincent more. He shined in everything he did.
- Vincent and Lisa's African Jazz. This was my favorite performance of the night. It was absolutely breathtaking. I think this was better live.
- Vincent and Natalli's contemporary. Again, it was beautiful. Sorry I can't remember the song.
- Nico and Arassay's theatre to Somebody To Love (ie. the wing's dance). This one was my favorite during the show, and was just as good on stage.
- Mia Michael's top 10 contemporary. Just as good as it was on the show.
- Nico and Allie's contemporary from the top 4 show.
- Whenever Danny was onstage. I really wish he had lasted longer on the show. He is absolutely hilarious to watch, and has so much expression, while being a great dancer.
- Miles and Lisa's mirror contemporary. It was better onstage.
- Nico and Miles' capoeira. When I saw it on the show, I enjoyed it, but thought it lacked energy and punch. But could you really blame them? They were totally exhausted. However, on stage they were full of energy and it was incredibly entertaining.

The Lowlights:

- The fact that Danny only was in a few dances.
- Izaak dropped Kaitlyn on a lift (not seriously, but it just didn't look good). Then he fell backwards, and as recovering just laid on top of Kaitlyn until the end of the song (for like 2 seconds).

It was an awesome time. Even better? When we tried to walk back to the hotel afterwards, we walked 20 minutes in the wrong direction. So then, the 10 minute walk became a 45 minute walk. It was all very exciting.

The other exciting appearance at the show was Twitch from season 4 of SYTYCD. He walked onto the floor during intermission. It was pretty cool.

Also, the next day, we took a 20 minute train ride, bought frozen yogurt, and then a 20 minute train ride back. IT WAS AWESOME. My craving has been momentarily satisfied. 

Anyways, I'll post an epic review of HIMYM tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Peace, Gab

PS: Sorry this post was so long.

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